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The Line-Up
Books by Kailtyn
The Angel and The Captain
My latest! Funny, smart and super-cute!
An older man and a younger woman meet, fall in love, hop in the sack, perhaps not in that order. You will find them doing all the things couples do, like edit books that live down the ages and run for the US Senate.
The tenderest love. The rawest lust.
Click here to read The Angel and The Captain
The first three chapters are complimentary.
Nats Story
The boy becomes a man. Then the man falls in love.
Nat’s life is dedicated to service: service to his country in the Navy, and service to his women in the sack. His dedication to both is inspiring. You’ll love Nat, the women who pay him and the woman who loves him.
Click here to get started.
Part I of Beth is offered with our compliments.
The Benjamin Chronicles
Benjamin. And women who should probably know better.
Benjamin should probably know better, too. Taking place everywhere from by-the-hour motels to 5-star hotels and with everyone from a US Ambassador to his boss and several relatives of his girlfriend.
From college to the advanced stages of a professional life, you will find Benjamin’s exploits as entertaining as they are erotic.
Click here to read The Benjamin Chronicles.
The Elaine story is with our compliments.
All The Things
Coming in 2021!
Katie and Markie
An older woman
A younger man
The good…The bad…The beautiful
All the things
Books by Kailtyn
Who you’ve always wanted to be
Where you’ve always wanted to go